A typical day in both classrooms centers on two large blocks of playtime: one indoors and one outdoors. Before and after these individual choice activities, groups come together to share ideas, songs, plays and stories. Between noon and 1 p.m., children group together for lunch, circle and story time.


The 2024-2025 school year will start on August 27, 2024 and end on June 30, 2025.

Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Extended care is available Mon-Fri until 3:00 p.m.

The REd Room 

The class can enroll up to 14 students

The Red Room is for students aged 2.5-4. We help children progress from parallel play to cooperative play and practice sharing, taking turns and resolving conflict. We balance our day between free play, directed activities, enrichment activities, and the development of Kindergarten-readiness skills.


Curriculum is based on ideas which emerge from the children as well as topics chosen for their intrinsic appeal, timeliness or value to the children. Parents will be appraised of these topics by way of a daily journal, newsletters and documentation on the walls of the classrooms.

Parents are encouraged to participate in group work in the classroom as well as dialogue about topics of interest.

Every effort is made to make the curriculum non-biased with the diversity of the group particularly reflected.